We are sad to announce new policy changes in regard to our foster & rehab programs because of the possible death of an animal that was formerly in our care after it was adopted out to a person of the former owners choice.

We had legal title to the dog but I operated based on my heart thinking that it was hard on the previous owner & was trying to make the transition easier for her. It cost the dog pictured here his life & is going to throw us into possibly years of litigation.

Our new policy will be if I am taking your animal in for rehab, training, domestic violence foster, homeless or foeclosure foster the animal must be signed over to our rescue, no exceptions will be considered.

 I have had dogs in foster for up to a year & have returned the animals, it is not my intent to keep animals or separate them from their owners, that takes up space. money, & resources for shelter dogs who have no other options. We have to protect our resources & assets, to do what is best for animals & for our corporation. To see Aldo's story please click here.