Our Featured Pet
Our featured pet is any homeless or shelter pet that is scared & alone waiting & hoping that someone will come & save them from the cold cement, & the certain death that awaits them. For the homeless pet that is scavenging the streets, living under a porch or finding shelter behind a trash can wondering why his family threw him out of a car & why they left him there, that is still waiting faithfully for his master's return. It is also the puppy mill dogs who've never known the feel of a tender pat on the head or a warm comfortable bed, who's life is endless years of waiting for 25 other kennel mates to defecate so he'll have something to eat, or the endless breeding of the mothers who are thrown to the side, as their babies are ripped from them, often too early so they can be shipped away, they are the lucky one's until they show signs of any problems & they are also dumped in some shelter alone & afraid & scared... on the cold cement. It is all the dogs who sit on death row tonight wondering where their family is & why they left them... The unwanted & unloved: If only I could hold them all & tell them I want them & I love them. Even if you can't love them bring them to me...


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